Today I was invited to the annual career fair at the middle school. This is an opportunity to show off the equipment that each career would use on a regular basis. I love going to schools and showing kids what I get to do each day! They are always so excited to get to touch and a see all the interesting things a veterinarian gets to work with. There are lots of ohs and ahs, some wows and usually a few yucks! They are such characters at this age, and it is really nice to get to talk to them and see what they think is cool.
This year we had quite a few careers represented: fashion merchandising, nursing, seamstress, arborist (with a HUGE chain saw), baker, YUM, makeup artist (who has done movies), machinist, meteorologists, the chief of police--he brought a taser! I probably like going around to the different booths as much as the kids do :)
My favorite part is the thank-you gift! A chocolate wrench!
Puppies available - Males only
5 years ago
you definitely had more fun than me today!