Monday, April 27, 2009

Bruises worth pictures

I have started working out at CrossFit this last week. I have successfully made myself sore from head to toe and had my heart beating for all that it is worth. So far, so good. I feel like I am starting to make some progress in my flabby to fit goal. I am hoping to do a month of this program (boot-camp like) and then continue on my own with better activity levels.

I don't mind the sit-ups even though I have yet to finish an entire set, the lunges and squats are killing me, but I can do them. Rowing is about the most taxing thing I have done in a long time and I trip on the jump rope more than I hop over it. However, the one thing that may actually kill me is the jumping pull-ups. Basically, you hang forward of the bar on a wooden box and then jump and pull yourself around to above the bar. Sounds easy right? (Okay, not the actual pull up, but the idea). For some reason, I can't seem to make my feet land where I jumped from. I have fallen a couple of times, but Saturday was a doozy. I fell all the way off and skinned my shins and knees and bruised my thighs something awful. Take a look:

The pictures just don't do the bruises justice, they are all swollen and very beautifully purple....

Chris' BBQ
For everyone who has not yet been to one of Chris' work cook outs, you are missing out! He decorated his store all festive and put on a great luau for all the painters and customers. Don't they look great? And who is that girl in the bikini?

1 comment:

  1. i'm so proud of you! not sure i'm allowed to say that, but it's true. although i already hate you for being tan year round, having perfect white teeth, and being a walking encyclopedia. i don't know if i can handle you having a supermodel body too! just kidding, you know i love you. and i can be a witness that the picture definitely doesn't do justice for the bruises, they look much worse in person. ouch!
