Monday, August 31, 2009

Yeah! Happy Birthdays and Back to School!

It has been a crazy, hectic last few weeks. I can't even begin to describe how lucky I am. With recent tragedies all around us, I just wanted to list a few things I am grateful for;

Friends that I can count on, a home that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer, only minor illnesses, family close by (Dakota is close, too), a mom who is willing to spend a few precious hours helping my kids with homework several days a week, clothes that are comfy and wash easily, books to take my mind off my worries, a good job, a husband who loves me no matter what, freedom to write whatever crosses my mind in a public forum such as this blog, cute things that my kids say and do, watching puppies play, safe schools (and school lunches), reliable transportation, cell phones (though sometimes I wish they didn't exist for a few hours), the love Jesus and the Lord give me and always have for me even when I really screw things up and the forgiveness of all those around me (I know I don't deserve it, but thanks anyway!)

We had a couple of birthdays this month: Cheryl! Yippie-Skippie-Yahoo! We had a ton of fun at the Olive Garden, and even got to eat our dessert nice and hot, WITH A SPOON! No singing from any live people... These are my two favorite pictures of Cheryl and her cute family:

Dad Mark also had a birthday this month and we celebrated at the Cracker Barrel in Paradise. It has really become a nice place to eat with the last remodel. The food has always been good, but now the rest is just as nice.

And finally, I am glad and sad and worried and happy and going crazy that my girls have gone back to school! They are adorable, but sometimes I wonder how I am going to get through the mornings without somebody getting hurt!