Monday, April 27, 2009

Bruises worth pictures

I have started working out at CrossFit this last week. I have successfully made myself sore from head to toe and had my heart beating for all that it is worth. So far, so good. I feel like I am starting to make some progress in my flabby to fit goal. I am hoping to do a month of this program (boot-camp like) and then continue on my own with better activity levels.

I don't mind the sit-ups even though I have yet to finish an entire set, the lunges and squats are killing me, but I can do them. Rowing is about the most taxing thing I have done in a long time and I trip on the jump rope more than I hop over it. However, the one thing that may actually kill me is the jumping pull-ups. Basically, you hang forward of the bar on a wooden box and then jump and pull yourself around to above the bar. Sounds easy right? (Okay, not the actual pull up, but the idea). For some reason, I can't seem to make my feet land where I jumped from. I have fallen a couple of times, but Saturday was a doozy. I fell all the way off and skinned my shins and knees and bruised my thighs something awful. Take a look:

The pictures just don't do the bruises justice, they are all swollen and very beautifully purple....

Chris' BBQ
For everyone who has not yet been to one of Chris' work cook outs, you are missing out! He decorated his store all festive and put on a great luau for all the painters and customers. Don't they look great? And who is that girl in the bikini?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What?! Twenty days went by?

What happened? I swear I only missed a few days of blogging, but all of a sudden, the calendar says it has been three weeks! Talk about time flying. There is a mini gym by my house that I drive by everyday, and it has a count down to summer vacation sign out front. I am pretty sure it went from 12 weeks to 5 weeks all in an instant. I am pretty sure that when I was younger, it seemed like spring lasted FOREVER. Now, I am just scrambling to get my yard mowed before June :)

Anyway, we have been working like crazy to get our basement finished (YIPPI), the carpet is supposed to be installed Thursday. We are also getting our attic re-insulated so we can take advantage of the rebates this year. BTW, you have to get it done by May 1st to get the most money back. Hopefully, we will get to the windows this year as well. Might as well take advantage of as many energy rebates and tax credits as possible, right?

The girls have started soccer, Kaylee is doing pretty well; Taylor and her team run around like a flock of lost chickens. I was really impressed with Kaylee, when she was playing goalie, she dove onto the ball to stop it! Way to go!

We had a ton of fun over Easter, with three dinners and plenty of time spent with family and friends. (At least plenty for the adults, the kids would have taken more!) We are finally out of boiled eggs... I think we can wait another few months for summer egg-salads. The girls had a blast playing with Zeb's new rabbit, they haven't stopped asking for one of their own. NO IDEAS, Y'All. We have plenty of pets with the two dogs, thank you.

To top it off, it was Jody's birthday this last weekend. Happy happy birthday Jody! We really enjoyed getting together with the gang at Ruby Tuesdays. I always feel so much better after laughing for hours on end, I hope everone gets to do that once in a while.

Be sure to soak up some of this great sunny weather before it gets too hot and dry!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another week flies by!

Wow, can you believe another week has gone by?!! I had to take my computer in to the shop because it kept freezing up (maybe it is tired of winter?) and after 2 days, they said: "There's nothing wrong with it." Hmmm. Seems to happen to everyone right? You make an appointment for your dog because it's been hacking all week and when you get it in to the vet; he acts just fine! Oh, well. At least it seems okay now.

Just a quick run-down of the last week: Chris took the girls to Jackson Hole with his parents to the snowmobile hill-climbs, they all seemed to have a blast!
I had to work :( but at least it was steady busy all day.

Since I didn't get to go to the hill-climbs, I did manage to watch a good movie with Cheryl and family.... Twilight! I can't say I was super impressed the first time I saw it, but it definitely has grown on me. The books were a bit drawn out so I figured they would have to seriously compress the story to fit in 2 hours, but they did a good job of it. I do really love vampire movies, Interview with the Vampire being one of my all-time favorites.

Going along with the movie theme, we also watched Fast and Furious this weekend. It was our date night, and we doubled with Cheryl and Jason. I thought it was better than the reviews, but you probably have to like cars to get the whole experience. But I would think anyone can appreciate Vin just standing there being cool and muscled. It was cheesy, but so are all his movies ;)

Kaylee and Taylor start their spring break this weekend. 10 days off school! How would it be? I don't recall getting more than 2 days off for anything other than Christmas all through school, including college. Not fair. They are SOOOO excited. Too bad it is still so cold.

Kaylee had her first soccer practice this week, it has been so wet that they had initially cancelled practices and games, but her coach set them up in the church gym to do a little practice inside. She had a ton of fun, but apparently we need to go over the rules a little more with her; she is all over the place. I wish I had a picture, she is so cute in her uniform! Taylor's coach is going to wait out the weather, hopefully they have a practice before the first game!

And because I am not busy enough, I also attended a gardening class taught by none other than Mark Anderson. He was great! I really learned (or remembered? since I took horticulture in school) quite a bit about gardening, fertilizing and soils. Wow! So much to think about, yet very exciting. I hope to get out and start on my flowerbeds this next week if it will stop raining and snowing for a day.... Is that wishful thinking or what?

Sorry for the super long post, that's what happens when the computer is gone. Maybe I will have to get a backup or fix that dinosaur cluttering up my desk!

Enjoy conference weekend, may the Lord be with you!