Friday, September 4, 2009

Just a bit greedy.....

The view from the side:

And from the end:

As I went in to kiss my girls goodnight last night, I couldn't help but laugh at Taylor. She has a pillow on both sides of her bed, just in case she wants to sleep on either side, and this is how I find her :) I am not sure if she could take up more of her bed if she tried! Note how neither pillow is being used...

Sometimes, when greed comes into play, you get even less than you would have if you had just settled for what you had to start with. In Taylor's case, she didn't even manage to get under the blanket (although she has four on her bed there), let alone get to use one of the pillows.

However, her dolly gets a pillow, blanket and a baseball mitt to keep her from rolling off the bed, and I bet she didn't move all night long!

1 comment:

  1. this is like the 5th time i've looked at this and it still cracks me up!
