Sunday, December 6, 2009

High on a Shortie

Well, the last few weeks seem to have just zipped by (like ALL of November). Lately my little shortie-cake, Taylor has been just full of entertainment! She has been trying to be extra good for Christmas, so every morning she asks me if she is being good (doing good things is being good, Taylor), if her sister is being good (she is good, but her actions are not), if the dogs are being good (no, chewing up papers and shoes and toys is not being good).

So today she and Kaylee decide to do a service project together while we are walking back from church. They are going to shovel the neighbor's walk since they have been out of town. They get all dressed up and excitedly go shovel out the neighbors, they are so cute! Well, when they are done, Kaylee leaves to go help her dad shovel our driveway, and I see Taylor bouncing from foot trail to foot trail out in the neighbor's front yard. While I am wondering what she is up to, she suddenly falls over backwards and makes a perfect snow angel. Carefully, she gets up and then stomps a nice circle around it before hopping back into the footpath and leaving. She comes up to our door and when I let her back in I asked her what she was doing out there "I was making a service angel for them". It about made me cry :) She is such a cutie!

(Shhhh...secret ahead) While I was looking for some ribbon in my sewing stuff to tie Taylor's new Princess quilt I am making her for Christmas, she comes across a little piece of fabric and starts wondering what we could do with it. She suggested a wrap for her hot chocolate mug, she could fold it up and keep it in a book, it could be a really little pillow... We decided to make it into a polly pocket blanket. I sewed it together with a little batting and she just lit up like I had made gold from tin foil, it was just such a blessing to see the wonder in her face that we could make something that she thought was useful from just a little ol' piece of cloth.

Later today, she was helping me give the dogs a bath and was telling Sparkle that she was such a good dog for getting clean and it was okay that she got us "a Little" wet during the bath, because "she just can't help it". I think Taylor is going to make a great dog groomer someday, she is just so gang-ho to try everything. Except of course, my nice scissors since "they are REALLY sharp and if they cut her, she would probably die, right mom?" I hope, REALLY, REALLY hope, I don't have that bad of a grooming accident!

And to top off the night, while we are saying prayers and getting ready for bed, she points out the tear in her old quilt and says "Mom, you know what would fix this tear? If I had a new Princess blanket for my bed!" It has been in every Santa letter and she asks every single day if I think Santa might bring her one. I looked all over for a cute one, but came up short and decided to make her one instead. I found some cute fabric and have been working on it, but just after I had bought the backing for the quilt, Chris finds an adorable fleece lap blanket! My AWESOME friends at work helped me tie it together at work on Saturday... In between appointments of course.... Snicker... So now she will get one from Santa and one from me :D I had to do one for Kaylee, too, wouldn't want any sad Christmas mornings!

Not to leave Kaylee out, this last week she got 100% on every single assignment. Talk about IMPRESSIVE! Now if her attitude could match her smarts... Well, that's a lot of things to be proud of in my two little "ANGELS".


  1. what a cute post, well actually what cute girls. i love hearing all taylors cute sayings.

  2. Great post! Wow, I can't believe how big they are getting! Crazy!
