Monday, February 1, 2010

SuperMoms get behind too!

Okay, Okay, I know I have been slacking  on my blog lately, but really, I have a lot to do... sleep, eat, bark at the mail person (or is that my dogs?).  So here are a few pictures to tide everyone over until I get back from my cruise :-D   So much to do, so little time...  Please forgive the sideways takes, rotating them is just one step to many today.

These are from the school Fall Festival and the Founder's Day Parade in Wellsville last fall.

These ones are from Chris' Powell Fishing Trip and a few of the girls fishing this fall.

This last set is SOME of the couple hundred or so family pictures we took this fall.


  1. i LOVE lake powell, not that i would go there to fish of all things, but i'm jealous none-the-less! and darling family pics, all of you look great!

  2. Great pics! Thanks for the update! Glad to see you're blogging again. Can't wait to hear about the cruise! I'm so jeolous! Isaac and I are debating over going on a cruise or going to Mexico to see abuela & abuelo. What do you think?
